Articles -
Arduino - Utiliser une thermistance NTC de 100K avec une Arduino.
// Identique à --r0=100000 --t0=25 --r1=0 --r2=4700 --beta=4066 --max-adc=1023
#define T_R0 100000 // stated resistance, e.g. 100K
#define T_T0 25
#define T_BETA 4066 // stated beta, e.g. 3500
#define T_R1 0
#define T_R2 4700
double T_THIST0 = (T_T0 + 273.15); // temperature at stated resistance, e.g. 25C
#define T_THISADC 5.0 // ADC reference
#define T_THISVCC 5.0 // supply voltage to potential divider
#define T_THISK (T_R0 exp(-T_BETA / T_THIST0)) // constant part of calculation
#if R1 > 0
double T_THISVS = T_R1 T_THISVCC / (T_R1 + T_R2); // effective bias voltage
double T_THISRS = T_R1 T_R2 / (T_R1 + T_R2); // effective bias impedance
double T_THISVS = T_THISVCC; // effective bias voltage
double T_THISRS = T_R2; // effective bias impedance
// "Convert ADC reading into a temperature in Celcius"
double analog2degre(int analog) {
double v = analog T_THISADC / 1024; // convert the 10 bit ADC value to a voltage
double r = T_THISRS v / (T_THISVS - v); // resistance of thermistor
return ((T_BETA / log(r / T_THISK)) - 273.15); // temperature
const int analogInPin0 = A1; // Analog input pin
int sensorValue0 = 0;
void setup() {
// THISK doit être un nombre a virgule (Serial arrondie à 2 décimal mais il y en à plus)
// Affiche un tableau avec les valeur reçu sur le port analogique en correspondance avec la valeur en °C
for(int i = 1; i < 1024; i++) {
Serial.print(", ");
void loop() {
sensorValue0 = analogRead(analogInPin0);
// print the results to the serial monitor:
Serial.print("sensorValue0 = ");
Le script de base, que vous trouverez ci-dessous à été trouver dans le Firmware Marlin des imprimante RepRap
# Creates a C code lookup table for doing ADC to temperature conversion
# on a microcontroller
# based on:
# // sudo python --r0=100000 --t0=25 --r1=0 --r2=4700 --beta=4066 --max-adc=1023
"""Thermistor Value Lookup Table Generator
Generates lookup to temperature values for use in a microcontroller in C format based on:
The main use is for Arduino programs that read data from the circuit board described here:
Usage: python [options]
-h, --help show this help
--r0=... thermistor rating where # is the ohm rating of the thermistor at t0 (eg: 10K = 10000)
--t0=... thermistor temp rating where # is the temperature in Celsuis to get r0 (from your datasheet)
--beta=... thermistor beta rating. see
--r1=... R1 rating where # is the ohm rating of R1 (eg: 10K = 10000)
--r2=... R2 rating where # is the ohm rating of R2 (eg: 10K = 10000)
--num-temps=... the number of temperature points to calculate (default: 20)
--max-adc=... the max ADC reading to use. if you use R1, it limits the top value for the thermistor circuit, and thus the possible range of ADC values
from math import
import sys
import getopt
class Thermistor:
"Class to do the thermistor maths"
def __init__(self, r0, t0, beta, r1, r2):
self.r0 = r0 # stated resistance, e.g. 10K
self.t0 = t0 + 273.15 # temperature at stated resistance, e.g. 25C
self.beta = beta # stated beta, e.g. 3500
self.vadc = 5.0 # ADC reference
self.vcc = 5.0 # supply voltage to potential divider
self.k = r0 exp(-beta / self.t0) # constant part of calculation
if r1 > 0:
self.vs = r1 self.vcc / (r1 + r2) # effective bias voltage = r1 r2 / (r1 + r2) # effective bias impedance
self.vs = self.vcc # effective bias voltage = r2 # effective bias impedance
def temp(self,adc):
"Convert ADC reading into a temperature in Celcius"
v = adc self.vadc / 1024 # convert the 10 bit ADC value to a voltage
r = v / (self.vs - v) # resistance of thermistor
return (self.beta / log(r / self.k)) - 273.15 # temperature
def setting(self, t):
"Convert a temperature into a ADC value"
r = self.r0 exp(self.beta (1 / (t + 273.15) - 1 / self.t0)) # resistance of the thermistor
v = self.vs r / ( + r) # the voltage at the potential divider
return round(v / self.vadc * 1024) # the ADC reading
def main(argv):
r0 = 10000;
t0 = 25;
beta = 3947;
r1 = 680;
r2 = 1600;
num_temps = int(1024);
max_adc = int(1023);
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h", ["help", "r0=", "t0=", "beta=", "r1=", "r2=", "max-adc="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
elif opt == "--r0":
r0 = int(arg)
elif opt == "--t0":
t0 = int(arg)
elif opt == "--beta":
beta = int(arg)
elif opt == "--r1":
r1 = int(arg)
elif opt == "--r2":
r2 = int(arg)
elif opt == "--max-adc":
max_adc = int(arg)
increment = int(max_adc/(num_temps-1));
t = Thermistor(r0, t0, beta, r1, r2)
adcs = range(1, max_adc, increment);
# adcs = [1, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 130, 150, 190, 220, 250, 300]
first = 1
print "// Thermistor lookup table for RepRap Temperature Sensor Boards ("
print "// Made with ("
print "// ./ --r0=%s --t0=%s --r1=%s --r2=%s --beta=%s --max-adc=%s" % (r0, t0, r1, r2, beta, max_adc)
print "// r0: %s" % (r0)
print "// t0: %s" % (t0)
print "// r1: %s" % (r1)
print "// r2: %s" % (r2)
print "// beta: %s" % (beta)
print "// max adc: %s" % (max_adc)
print "#define NUMTEMPS %s" % (len(adcs))
print "short temptable[NUMTEMPS][2] = {"
counter = 0
for adc in adcs:
counter = counter +1
if counter == len(adcs):
print " {%s, %s}" % (adc, int(t.temp(adc)))
print " {%s, %s}," % (adc, int(t.temp(adc)))
print "};"
def usage():
print __doc__
if __name__ == "__main__":
Par Blumax le 17/04/2015
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